BEAM (Business Entrepreneurship And Maths) is a seminar course for level 1 of the upper secondary school in Baden-Württemberg.

BEAM is a programme that connects schools with the world of business. Students develop their own first business idea and come into contact with companies - usually for the first time - for research and company visits. The course teaches basic business skills based on relevant questions ("How do I write a business plan for my start-up idea?"), whereby methods such as design thinking are practised. Students experience entrepreneurial thinking through direct dialogue with successful founders.

BEAM breaks away from traditional teaching by working exclusively with professional experts. The students leave the school cosmos and take their first steps in the professional world. This strengthens their self-confidence, improves their self-perception and their overall initiative. BEAM enables them to build up their first professional network.

At the same time,BEAM offers an exchange with other international BEAM schools. We are continuing to expand this network of BEAM schools abroad so that BEAM not only leaves the school cosmos, but also the national cosmos.

International website of BEAM